
Showing posts from April, 2019

Back again

I know it - it's been a month. I've been looking for a new job (mission completed, by the way) so my free penguin-blogging-time has been very limited. So back to it. Here are some more 'guins to brighten your April Fool's Day Monday afternoon. There are no jokes here, by the way. Penguin drawings are serious business, you know. . . So this is a continuation of the movie series of penguins. One thing that hasn't been discussed yet is the fact that Polar Bears, living on the literal polar opposite of the world, are the polar opposite animals of penguins and are therefore their mortal enemies. Submitted for your approval: the Dune villains revisited. This may be one of my favorite drawings I've done. Every time I look at it, it cracks me up. And if you can't crack yourself up, then really no one can. If you haven't seen Stranger Things, you a) won't get it and b) should go fix yourself right now!   This, of course, is It . Once ...