Since I've done a couple of the very oldest penguin drawings, I thought I would post some of the more elaborate ones.
This was the first large size penguin drawing done. Puns, you see are one of the basic elements of penguin humor. Talking about penguins with the boys one day, we decided that the penguin military forces must contain the penguinfantry. Thinking about what they might look like I came up with the drawing above.
Yes. Penguin Nixon and the King. (King penguin? I didn't think about that at the time.) Why, you say? Why not?!
Once I thought about what a penguin would dream of insofar as what a nose job would look like. Could it possibly look like the offering below? Yes. Yes I think so.
This was the first large size penguin drawing done. Puns, you see are one of the basic elements of penguin humor. Talking about penguins with the boys one day, we decided that the penguin military forces must contain the penguinfantry. Thinking about what they might look like I came up with the drawing above.
Yes. Penguin Nixon and the King. (King penguin? I didn't think about that at the time.) Why, you say? Why not?!
Once I thought about what a penguin would dream of insofar as what a nose job would look like. Could it possibly look like the offering below? Yes. Yes I think so.
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