
Posts have been flowing like mud around here

Ok, I know. It's been getting worse, not better around here. Well there's a lot going on in the real, non-penguin world going on keeping me away from posting. Keeping in line with that sort of thing, I submit the following: This was drawn for the boy when I, like now, hadn't been producing much in the way of penguin drawings.  You know, while I'm here, I'll leave you with one more drawing before I sign off (it certainly hasn't gotten less busy around here! Have a good weekend!

Back again

I know it - it's been a month. I've been looking for a new job (mission completed, by the way) so my free penguin-blogging-time has been very limited. So back to it. Here are some more 'guins to brighten your April Fool's Day Monday afternoon. There are no jokes here, by the way. Penguin drawings are serious business, you know. . . So this is a continuation of the movie series of penguins. One thing that hasn't been discussed yet is the fact that Polar Bears, living on the literal polar opposite of the world, are the polar opposite animals of penguins and are therefore their mortal enemies. Submitted for your approval: the Dune villains revisited. This may be one of my favorite drawings I've done. Every time I look at it, it cracks me up. And if you can't crack yourself up, then really no one can. If you haven't seen Stranger Things, you a) won't get it and b) should go fix yourself right now!   This, of course, is It . Once

A Penguinrific Special Episode - A Penguin Carol

Just in time for next Christmas. . .

Some more drawings that might get me sued. . .

Here are some more penguins that are based on proprietary characters. I ain's no lawyer er nothin', but I think they are probably close enough to the original to require permission to have these on some for profit book. Enjoy. . .  More from the Bird, James Bird series. This is the first one I started as a hand drawing and then converted to the computer. The floor and walls are colored with an illustration program and the words were added with it, too. I still have some work to go before I call this "done" but it's not bad as is.  This penguin is going to make you an offer that's not so bad. You probably could refuse it, but it might save you a couple of bucks. By the way, drawing a moustache on a penguin is rather difficult.  Let's go!! Now, one thing you don't know is that the arctic, being the - well. . . polar opposite - of the Antarctic is the enemy nation of the penguins. As the most visible occupant of the artic, polar bears are the

And the guins keep a comin'

Here is an several drawings I did for the boy one night. The WWII Staff Sergeant Penguin is one a few that I redid with pen and ink later on. Check out the anatomically correct M1A1 Thompson sub-gun! And here we start with naming everything with "penguin" or "guin" in the title. Why? 'Cause it's funny, of course. Duh. Submitted for your approval. . . the Penglasa Raptor. And here is where we start running afoul of copywrite laws. There are many Star Wars, Star Trek and other things to come. Maybe someday I will contact Disney to get the ok to produce a Penguin Star Wars book. Heck, Disney gives people the ok to make Star Wars flavored anything about now. Until then, I guess I'll have to keep all these proprietary characters on the free side. In any case, the question on everyone's mind is what a penguin assassin looks like. Well, they are pretty awesome to behold.  Same thing here. You want to know what a penguin zombie looks
Back to the original drawings. All done in pencil, in 5 minutes or less (typically), and on a 3x5 pad. How would penguins build an airplane. Badly, I would assume. This was another drawing that resulted from a question. What would it look like when a penguin brushes his teeth? Well, it would look like this, of course. This drawing might lead to follow up questions, but I'm not here to answer those.  Apparently, I was in a hurry when I drew this one. It's also pretty funny. Of course he's always well dressed.
Since I've done a couple of the very oldest penguin drawings, I thought I would post some of the more elaborate ones. This was the first large size penguin drawing done. Puns, you see are one of the basic elements of penguin humor. Talking about penguins with the boys one day, we decided that the penguin military forces must contain the penguinfantry. Thinking about what they might look like I came up with the drawing above.  Yes. Penguin Nixon and the King. (King penguin? I didn't think about that at the time.) Why, you say? Why not?! Once I thought about what a penguin would dream of insofar as what a nose job would look like. Could it possibly look like the offering below? Yes. Yes I think so.